“Building Homes, Creating Community”

Pilgrimage to the Border
April 13-16, 2023

Orientation & Information Gathering
December 3, 2022

In partnership with Casas de Luz & UU Refugee & Immigrant Services and Education (UURISE), we are excited to offer a new in-person immersion experience for UUs and UU-aligned individuals interested in engaging with the realities of immigration at the California border.

During our visit we will be working together to make real impact for one family in an emerging community just south of our California border in Tijuana.

Please join us on December 3rd @ 10am for an orientation program to learn more about how you can join us in this justice work. During the orientation, we will have an opportunity to witness the effect of US Immigration policies from both sides of the border, deepen our faith connection to issues and efforts around immigration justice, and to connect with communities directly impacted by our broken immigration system.

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