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A Word from Pastor AJ

A Word from Pastor AJ

Welcome to our new monthly newsletter! 

We hope that you will enjoy once again receiving regular updates from UUJMCA. Going forward we will be providing you information about our activities as well as those of our partners and covenanting communities. The newsletter will be divided in three basic sections.

  • At the top, you will find information about UUJMCA’s programming, activities, and resources such as learning opportunities like our Pilgrimages to the Border, Turning The Tides Justice Summit, Spiritual Practices for Justice Leaders. We will be focusing on how to engage our ministry of justice collaboratively` with other UUs committed to “relational, strategic, and faithful” equity and inclusion.
  • In the middle, you will find information about justice activities and information that affect us all at a statewide level about Immigration, Queer (LGBTQ+) Rights, Reproductive Rights, Climate & Environmental Issues and much, much more.
  • Finally, in the bottom you will find information about how to get involved locally in the “Around the State” section which will share ways to get involved in your area with congregations, justice organizations, and governmental service agencies.  

As a first note please visit our website to review April’s 30 Days of How to get Involved in Immigrant Justice blog posts. We will also be posting and sharing from The Mountain Top: A UU BIPoC Community learning about and celebrating 31 Days of Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage beginning May 1st.

Also please join us for our first Care for Activists in Liberation Movements (C.A.L.M.) justice worship service with Antoinette Scully on Tuesday, May 21 at 7PM

In Service, 

Pastor AJ Blackwood
Executive Director
UU Justice Ministry of California

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