Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California 1731 Howe Ave #579, Sacramento, California 95825Office: 916-441-0018 x1Direct Line/Text: 916-243-0603Follow UUJMCA on facebook & Instagram About us:UUJMCA works to develop the skills of civic engagement and faith-rooted organizing in our UnitarianUniversalist congregations so that Unitarian Universalists across California can educate, organize, and advocate for public policies that uphold the worth and dignity of […]
Today, thousands of people will come together to make long change by giving to their favorite charities, justice organizations, and community services programs. At UUJMCA, we are committed to lasting, systematic change in California and beyond our borders. We are asking that you give today to UUJMCA to support our work in actualizing a more just California. We would like […]
VOTE 2022!
California Statewide Ballot MeasuresGeneral Election, November 8, 2022 An updated UUJMCA VOTER INFORMATION GUIDE from UUJMCA can be downloaded as a PDF for your use. The guide includes positions and endorsements from several partner organizations and trusted sources who share our UU values and passions. CLICK BELOW! CRITICAL DETAILS: UUJMCA VOTER GUIDE 2022 *The linked document was created with the […]
California’s 7 Ballot Propositions
General Election, November 8, 2022A basic look at the propositions on the November 2022 ballot. PROP 1 – CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Amends California Constitution to expressly include an individual’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which includes the fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and the fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives. This […]

You heard me – cat worship. If you’re a UU youth – middle or high school – you’re invited to our first online youth worship of the year, and the theme this month is cats! (This is UU youth worship in a space that is meant to be youth-led. It’ll be fun. It’ll be dynamic. It’ll be engaging. It […]
TAKE ACTION – August 5, 2022
Alliance for Gun Responsibility – Ban Assault RiflesResearch shows that a shooter armed with an assault rifle is able to hurt and kill TWICE the number of people as a shooter armed with a handgun or non-assault rifle. We banned assault rifles before and we can do it again. URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO PASS FEDERAL ASSAULT WEAPONS ACLU Southern California“For decades, […]
Follow Us
At UUJMCA, we are committed to accomplish our justice ministry through education, community organizing, and advocating for justice. Our justice initiatives are shaped by and rooted in your feedback. We are here to support you, our California UUs, in your journey toward justice in your local community. If you are interested in finding out how we can journey together in […]

Black History Month
Celebrating Black Excellence During the month of February, we will be reflecting on Black Excellence. Everyday we will be highlighting one of the millions of Black Americans who have contributed to US society, culture, governance, and wonder. We invite you visit this post each day to learn and discover more. Be sure to click on the “Learn More” Button next […]

Winter Solstice Reflection on Racism
Dear UUJMCA Community, Merry Solstice! During this time of year in many of our UU communities we talk about passing through the dark to the light. It is a time when we look forward to longer days and shorter nights. Leaving the darkness behind and entering the light seems to be the center of this time of year. As a […]

Racial Justice & Abolition Collective for California UUs
Join UUs around the state for the first of these statewide online gatherings to connect and collaborate on Racial Justice & Abolition in California. Whether you are new to the work, are a veteran organizer in your city, or are looking to find UUs to support a local or statewide campaign, this collective is a place for you to make […]