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Latest News

Getting to Know UUJM

Whatever happened to UULM? Do you still do legislative stuff? Why did you change your name? You may have heard these questions and more. Following the strategic planning process and appreciative inquiry sessions in 2013, the legislative ministry became the justice ministry — reflecting the multi-dimensional ministry we had been running for many years.

Congregational Discernment and Engagement Program

While each congregation’s needs differ, we have identified key components that are critical based on congregations with healthy and effective justice ministries. We believe these steps will help congregations identify healthy, accountable social justice ministries which can be integrated into congregational life as well as a preliminary plan to begin to build such ministries. The main components of the program […]

Detention Center Visitation Programs in Full Swing

Visit an Immigrant Detainee: End Isolation With the guidance of our partner, CIVIC, UUs are actively organizing and supporting interfaith detention visitation programs in San Diego, Orange County, Adelanto, Richmond, & Sacramento.  Email us to arrange for a presentation to your congregation or to call to a UU who can help you get started. Detention Center Visitation Resources: Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants […]

Congregation Based Community Organizing…

From the UUA Website Congregation Based Community Organizing (also called Faith-Based or Broad-Based) is a movement that seeks to establish inter-faith, cross class, multi-ethnic and multi-racial grassroots organizations for purposes of increasing social integration and power in civil society and for making civic, regional and state-wide changes for social improvement. By “civil society,” we mean the voluntary sector, including religious institutions. […]

Worship Resources

  Beatitudes for Justice Builders (32K PDF) by the Rev. Lindi Ramsden.   There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about. (6K PDF) Ask “What’s possible?” not “What’s wrong?” Keep asking… From “Turning Toward One Another” by Margaret J Wheatley

Worship Resources for Water

 Who Carries Their Water? Excellent Sacramento Bee article on toxic pollution of water sources in the Tulare basin and Salinas Valley, 2012. Who Owns the Water? By Rev. Darcey Laine, 2007 Selected passages from the Rev. Thomas Starr King’s Writings on God, Humans, and Nature, including “Living Water from Lake Tahoe” (116K PDF file) Water: Sacred and Profane by Mary Evelyn Tucker (Excerpt […]

Links to Organizations that Work on Water Justice

Environmental Justice Coalition for Water The Environmental Justice Coalition for Water’s (EJCW’s) mission is to educate, empower, and nurture a community-based coalition that will serve as a public voice and be an effective advocate of environmental justice issues in California water policy. EJCW recently issued “Thirsty for Justice: A People’s Blueprint for California Water” a comprehensive overview of the environmental […]

LGBTQI Equality Resources

  “8” – A Reader’s Theater Play Uncover the truth about marriage for gay and lesbian Americans. See the video of George Clooney, Martin Sheen and Jane Lynch perform a one-night-only benefit reading of “8,” the new play by Academy-award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (Milk, J. Edgar) that chronicles the landmark federal trial of California’s Prop. 8 using the […]