Racial Justice & Abolition Collective for California UUs
Join UUs around the state for the first of these statewide online gatherings to connect and collaborate on Racial Justice & Abolition in California. Whether you are new to the work, are a veteran organizer in your city, or are looking to find UUs to support a local or statewide campaign, this collective is a place for you to make that happen! Areas of interest include (but can go beyond!):
- Community-led police oversight
- Alternatives to police for congregations
- Dismantling school-to-prison pipeline
- Ending LWOP (Life Without Option of Parole)
- Defunding police in city, county, and/or state budgeting
- Re-investment in/Development of community resources
- Understanding & advocating for prison abolition
- Legislative Advocacy in Sacramento
This and future gatherings will feature reports/updates from key California-based grassroots immigrant justice groups & leaders.
Zoom Call-in information is below, as is an RSVP link (not required to RSVP to attend, but helpful for our purposes!)
UUJMCA Zoom is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: California UU Racial Justice & Abolition Collective
When: Monday, January 25 @ 5pm Pacific
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 6228 4007
Passcode: 510509
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
Meeting ID: 870 6228 4007
Passcode: 510509
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdc6qhnVJ9
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