“Certainly the church has a great responsibility because when the church is true to its nature, it stands as a moral guardian of the community and of society. It has always been the role of the church to broaden horizons, to challenge the status quo, and to question and break mores if necessary. I’m sure that we all agree that the church has a major role to play in this period of social change.” – Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr (May 1966)
Happy New Year
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Happy Kwanzaa
May you have a Joyous Kwanzaa!
Reflection on Christmas
Dear UUJMCA Community, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and share with you my reflection on Christmas in 2021. Christmas for us as Unitarian Universalists is often a mixed bag of emotions. For some it is a time to hold onto or rekindle traditions of the past with family and friends that are deeply rooted in […]
Winter Solstice Reflection on Racism
Dear UUJMCA Community, Merry Solstice! During this time of year in many of our UU communities we talk about passing through the dark to the light. It is a time when we look forward to longer days and shorter nights. Leaving the darkness behind and entering the light seems to be the center of this time of year. As a […]
Gathering Together in Hope for 2022
Thinking back to the beginning of 2021 and the despair we were feeling about the future, it is hard to believe that we are still facing many of those same challenges. Even though the spread of COVID-19 has been slowed by the vaccine and social awareness surrounding ways to make our communities safer, it seems as though we will be […]
Reimagine CommUUnity
The UU Justice Ministry of California is laying the groundwork for an intentional 2022, filled with new ways to connect justice leaders, critical resources for congregations, and invaluable training for our youth, UUs, and those aligned in principle. As we begin to look back on 2021, we are grateful for the relationships and partnerships that we have forged while working tirelessly for […]
Happy Chalica 2021
December 6 – 13, 2021 Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We affirm and promote: 1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person; 2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations; 3rd Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; 4th Principle: […]
Youth Virtual Worship
We are happy to announce our newest collaboration with the The Mountain Top: A BIPOC UU Community and Colorado UUs United for Racial Justice on a new monthly Saturday evening Youth Virtual Worship time together. December 11, 2021 @ 6pm PT (7pm MT) This worship is open to ALL youth. Come worship with us and join us as we talk […]
Giving Tuesday
Today is Giving Tuesday, it’s one of the biggest giving days of the entire year. This global day of giving reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and radical generosity. We acknowledge the many worthy causes that ask for your support and appreciate your consideration of our Justice Ministry. We are setting a Giving Tuesday goal to raise $10,000 to strengthen our ministries towards […]