• 1-909-274-0714
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California

Covenanting Communities

In 2023, we will be asking our California UU congregations and communities to formalize your community’s connection with UUJMCA by becoming a UUJMCA Covenanting Community.

Building the world we dream about requires ongoing relationships and collaboration at the local and statewide levels. 

Our Goals

Increase support of Congregational and Community justice initiatives and programming
Develop programming rooted in congregational needs and support
Provide multi-platform educational opportunities
Remove or minimize financial barriers to UUJMCA programming
Create more opportunities for individuals and congregations  to engage with UUJMCA

Become a Covenanting Community Today!

Our Covenanting Congregations program invites our California UU Communities and Congregations into an intentional relationship to strengthen our ministries of social transformation. By strengthening our connections to each other, our partners, and our collective imagination for California.

We can not only succeed in creating justice – we can celebrate and enjoy it.

Some of the benefits of becoming a Covenanting Community are:

  • Support of YOUR community justice initiatives
  • Youth (Middle and High School) programming
  • FREE Leadership Education
    • On-Demand Learning Lab
    • Community and Individual Virtual and In-person Education
    • Experiential Learning Opportunities
  • Community Justice Discernment Programs
  • Sunday Guest Speakers
  • And more … 

Communities in who covenant with UUJMCA commit to: 

  1. informing UUJMCA as to the justice priorities that are important to their congregation and its members, updating this information as priorities change,
  2. encouraging members of your congregation to participate in justice efforts in your local communities as well as UUJMCA events, workshops, and activities,
  3. making a financial pledge or contribution to UUJMCA.

We know that our California UU congregations and communities do not all have the same justice needs or priorities, therefore over the next few months you will be hearing from us in a variety of ways as we solicit your feedback and ask for your input.  Together we can create a more equitable California for all.

We are updating our online donation system here at UUJMCA.
Please come back next week to
complete your donation