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Immigration: What Now?

Immigration: What Now?

Listen to our webinar on September 14, 2017 related to next steps in immigrant justice. Following the federal administration’s announcement of their intention to end the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program and the negotiations around Senate Bill 54 (the “Sanctuary State” legislation) in the California legislature, we gathered online for a conversation with UUJMCA’s Executive Director as well as Katia Hansen, President and CEO of UURISE.

A few things mentioned in the video:

  • You can take action to protect DREAMers by clicking here, which will take you to the UUJMCA e-Advocacy Portal. If you put in your address, it will load the phone numbers to your federal officials for you and give you talking points.
  • To join our Immigrant Justice Email List, click here. This list is made up of UUs justice-makers who work on immigrant justice in their communities and/or congregations. Feel free to share and receive ideas, knowledge, up-to-date information and support from others as well as communications from UUJMCA’s Immigrant Justice Action Team.
  • Senate Bill 29 is still alive. The Governor has not signed or vetoed the measure, so it is critical we express our thoughts on the “Dignity Not Detention” legislation. Click here for more information.

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