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WEBINAR:  Tues. Feb. 27th, 7pm

WEBINAR: Tues. Feb. 27th, 7pm

TWO QUESTIONS… How can your church become a Sanctuary? What can your church do to be an ally to DACA recipients? Get Ideas, Get Inspired and Join the conversation at our next UUJM Roundtable! Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 7pm PANELISTS: Rev. Beth Banks Senior Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis (UUCD), Beth worked with political refugees prior to […]

Webinar: IMMIGRATION DETENTION–Visiting Programs and Alternatives to Detention

Webinar: IMMIGRATION DETENTION–Visiting Programs and Alternatives to Detention

Announcing… UUJM Roundtable… building stronger collaboration among California UUs by lifting up and learning about the justice ministry of our congregations. Monday, December 4, 2017, 7pm IMMIGRATION DETENTION: Visiting Programs and Alternatives to Detention GUEST SPEAKERS: Kathy Smith, First UU San Diego, and SOLACE (Souls Offering Love and Compassionate Ears) is a project of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of […]

#LoveResists Webinar

#LoveResists Webinar

Criminalization: Mass Incarceration, Deportation, and Surveillance Today Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the entire world – and who ends up detained has a lot more to do with race, sexual orientation and gender identity, mental illness, immigration status, and poverty than what they are detained for. We see […]

July 27, 2018 Border trips

July 27, 2018 Border trips

The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California hosts experiential learning trips to the U.S.-Mexico Border. Register now! July 27 – 30, 2018 For more information about our justice journeys to the border, visit uuborders.org.

Get on the Bus for Healthcare!

Let’s move SB562! The movement for Medicare for All in California continues. Join UUJM members as part of the larger coalition in Sacramento on October 23rd and 24th to rally in support for SB 562 at the State Capitol during the Select Committee Hearing on Healthcare. Instead of moving SB 562 forward, Speaker Anthony Rendon has blocked the democratic process […]

Immigration: What Now?

Immigration: What Now?

Listen to our webinar on September 14, 2017 related to next steps in immigrant justice. Following the federal administration’s announcement of their intention to end the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program and the negotiations around Senate Bill 54 (the “Sanctuary State” legislation) in the California legislature, we gathered online for a conversation with UUJMCA’s Executive Director as well […]

Immigrant Justice Action

Immigrant Justice Action

Join the ICE of Out of California Coalition! Fight for all California! Transportation available, register here.

Still haven’t Registered? Check out our Scholarships & our 2-Day rate

Scholarships are available: for Unitarian Universalist justice activists and for members of our partner organizations; AND for UU congregations with 3 or more participants attending Walk the Walk 2017. or…stay any 2 days for a reduced rate. If you are interested, visit, call (916) 441-0018 x103, or email beverly@uujmca.org,