There’s one week left to register for upcoming CIPC Statewide Conference! Many exciting breakout sessions are available, like “From Incarceration Nation to Liberation”, which challenges immigration detention and draws connections to prison abolition work. Read more about this session and others at:
Call Governor Brown for Immigrant Justice
Three important immigration bills are awaiting Governor Brown’s signature. We are excited to bring more justice into the lives of all people residing in California! Please take a minute to ask Governor Brown to sign these important bills.

Stand with Low Wage Workers: Support Legislation that Affirms their Dignity
The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California (UUJMCA), through its Economic Justice Action Team, has endorsed bills pending in the Legislature that will honor workers whose work has for too long been treated as menial and unworthy. The bills are described below. We urge you to take the action described to support this legislation soon, as the Legislative session will end […]
Join us for a RefugeesWelcome Guidebook Project Data Party
Join us as we collect and organize resources and information for the Refugees Welcome Guidebook Project. Bring your laptop if you have one and come be part of this amazing event! For more information on the RefugeesWelcome Guidebook Project, visit Email with any questions. The event is in Claremont, California, with the address provided following registration. [gravityform id=”13″ […]

June 4th Economic Justice Conference
Thank you for joining us for this powerful event, bringing together workers, advocates and people of faith from around the Bay Area as we learned ways to advance affordable housing and worker justice from community partners and leaders.
What’s Happening in the Equity Ministry Network?
It has turned into a busy year. Not only do we have a slightly new brand (Equity Ministry Network) but we have continued to grow and strategize including hosting our first webinar (See link below). As we continue to grow the network we meet more and more people who are committed to seeing equity in race, class and culture in […]

Immigrant Day 2016 was a success!
Thanks to everyone who joined with hundreds of immigrants and advocates from across California for Immigrant Day 2016! It was a successful day of advocacy, education and unity, where we raised a unified voice in Sacramento in support of state proposals that advanced immigrant integration and prosperity for all Californians. Community leaders participated in over 100 legislative visits with their respective elected representatives. During […]
Support Syrian Refugees
The Immigrant Justice Team of UU Justice Ministry of California will begin to closely align with the work being carried out by CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) whose mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. We will also follow the lead of the UU Service […]

Wages Measure How We Honor Human Dignity and the Dignity of Work
The November 2015 webinar on Low Wages and Costly Housing presented by the Economic Justice team outlined innovative ideas for housing plus the current state of wages and inequality. Below are suggested actions for two current wage efforts. Download the PowerPoint! Dignity at Work-The Moral Imperative of a Living Wage. SUPPORT WALMART WORKERS– • Sign a letter supporting the campaign • Visit one […]
HOUSING: It’s Time to Think Out of the Box
The November 2015 webinar on Low Wages and Costly Housing presented by the Economic Justice team outlined innovative ideas for housing. Below are just some of the examples shared at the webinar on innovative housing. Download the Powerpoint! Housing for All