San Diego’s climate change plan gets final OK City Council approves blueprint for significantly reducing greenhouse-gas emissions by 2035

San Diego’s climate change plan gets final OK City Council approves blueprint for significantly reducing greenhouse-gas emissions by 2035
“No labor is menial unless you’re not getting adequate wages.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There is clear public support for increasing the wages of the lowest paid workers in California. To date almost 30 cities and counties have passed minimum wage or living wage laws that lift the take home pay of California workers. Other proposals are pending: in […]
The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California is a grassroots organization committed to enabling UUs to participate in justice education, advocacy and witness; developing justice leaders; strengthening the justice ministries of congregations; and acting as a visible and credible partner in advancing justice. This means our volunteer-led and -directed Action Teams have a lot of important (and rewarding) work to […]
All: Here is a copy of the PPT presentation on housing ideas from a seminar Bob Lane and I gave recently on Low Wages – High Housing Costs….there may be useful information in here for those of you working on housing issues, particularly some ideas that came up an earlier community conversation on how to solve the shortage of very low and […]
Trinity Center, a day respite center for homeless singles in Walnut Creek, is working with the City of Walnut Creek to host an emergency winter evening shelter from December 12, 2015 through March 12, 2016. The 90 day program is open to Trinity Center members only who sign up for the entire program, which will include support services such as […]
Thank you! Now that everyone is settling back into the church year, its time for an update on California Equity Ministry. It was a full summer with over 5000 miles logged, 6 different gatherings in three different regions of the state, countless conversations with clergy and colleagues and an unmeasurable amount learned! A big thank you to the congregations who […]
The New York Times reported on July 25, 2015 that Judge Dolly M. Gee of Federal District Court for the Central District of California has ruled that the Obama administration’s detention of children and their mothers who were caught crossing the border illegally is a serious violation of a longstanding court settlement, and that the families should be released as […]
Over the next few weeks, we will be doing workshops with several eager congregations where we hope to share the message of equity but most importantly, we hope to learn directly from the people on the ground where they are at in terms of understanding race, class and culture as part of our spiritually based social justice efforts. It is […]
We’re back from UUA General Assembly and ready to get to work on the California Equity Ministry. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Faithify campaign! Your financial support took us over the top and we raised $4248 online to do this important work! We can still use your help to reach our full phase 1 budget of $6000 […]