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Leadership Transition at UUJMCA

Leadership Transition at UUJMCA

6 September 2021

Leadership Transition at the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California (UUJMCA)

Congratulations to Rev. Ranwa Hammamy, who has left UUJMCA for a new position as Congregational Justice Organizer on the UUA’s Organizing Strategy Team. While her departure is clearly a loss for UUJMCA, in her new role she will have greater scope to enhance connections among UUs nationwide to Side With Love and build a more liberated world. We know Ranwa and her bold leadership will continue to inspire great work. Bon Voyage, Ranwa!

In one of her final initiatives with UUJMCA, Ranwa led our transition into a shared leadership model with a Director of Policy and Mobilization and a Director of Finance and Outreach. Marie Arce, after nearly two years of outstanding service as UUJMCA’s Business Administrator, will continue in her expanded role as Director of Finance and Outreach. Thank you, Marie!

 UUJMCA is also pleased to announce that our Interim Director of Policy and Mobilization will be AJ Blackwood. AJ is a graduate of the Claremont School of Theology and has served UU congregations in California and Colorado. He is also the Chairperson of the Progressive Interfaith Alliance in Fountain Valley, CA, and the founder and chaplain for The Mountain Top: A BIPOC UU Community. Welcome, AJ!

UUJMCA remains committed to its mission to advance justice in our state by cultivating and connecting leaders and communities, and by empowering the public voice of those who share UU values and principles.

With Commitment and Service.

Rev Betty Stapleford

President on behalf of the Board of Trustees

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