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Roe v. Wade – A Response From AJ Blackwood, UUJMCA Executive Director

24 June 2022
UU Justice Ministry of California
1731 Howe Avenue, #579 Sacramento, CA 95825 Phone (916) 441-0018

I am heartbroken today to receive the unconscionable notice from the SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade. I have a daughter of child bearing age and to know that today depending on simply where she lives in this country she may or may not be able to manage, decide, and rule over her own body is disgraceful. The decision today by SCOTUS It is a denial of her personhood and the further action being taken by states across the country is disgraceful.

We at UUJMCA oppose any ruling or law that removes the right for women to control their own bodies and make decisions about their healthcare. As a matter of faith, we will do everything within our power to protect women in California and across our country. The protection and the guarantee of a woman’s right to control her body is reiterated in at least three of our most fundamental principles as Unitarian Universalists. Every woman has the right to “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” Within this principle we affirm a women’s right to determine what is true and appropriate for her life and body. A woman has the right to determine her own truth. A woman has the right to to self determine for herself how to express said truth and meaning in her own life. Therefore a woman should have and deserves by her own “inherent worth” the ability to, with dignity, determine what is right and true for her in regard to her body. No court, no legislative body, no man, no one outside of herself has the right to enforce their idea of truth upon her.

To this end, we call upon all Unitarian Universalists in California to actively work to protect women’s rights. We call you all to work harder and struggle more for all women to live in communities filled with “with peace, liberty, and justice.” This call to action is active and not passive. It is a call to vote, organize, march, write and demand Justice at all levels of government.

We will be gathering virtually on June 30th at 7pm for a town hall discussion on how we can support women both in California and in other states as we enter this new world that has placed the lives of our wives, sisters. daughters, and friends at risk. Please join us! Click to Register

In Service,
Pastor AJ Blackwood, MDiv Executive Director

UUA Denounces Attacks on Abortion Rights and Demands Reproductive Justice

Resources below:
Planned Parenthood
Abortion Finder

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