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  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California


We’re back from UUA General Assembly and ready to get to work on the

Portland, Oregon (c) Nancy Pierce/ UUA
Portland, Oregon (c) Nancy Pierce/ UUA

California Equity Ministry. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Faithify campaign! Your financial support took us over the top and we raised $4248 online to do this important work! We can still use your help to reach our full phase 1 budget of $6000 so if you are interested in contributing to our efforts, you are welcome to send that support directly to UUJMCA, attn. ‘Equity Ministry’.

We are also excited because of how much “buzz” there was about Equity Ministry in Portland. There were great questions from folks all over the country about what we are trying to accomplish and how to connect with this work. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who shared information so that the word got out! Thank you and please keep sharing!

This is an important time for Unitarian Universalists. With the preliminary results from the Racial Justice Vision Survey from the UUA indicating a desire among 90% of respondents to be involved in Racial Justice, the work of the California Equity Ministry seems more on point than ever. Just last month, the Commission on Appraisal also released a Preliminary Report on Class in Unitarian Universalism with important findings that speak directly to how important it is for us to really understand more deeply how class affects us all. Other efforts such as the Class Conversations coming out of Framingham, Massachusetts and the Totem Pole Journey and other rich collaboration between the Lummi Nation and Bellingham, Washington (Check out their Faithify Campaigns here: Class Conversations, Totem Pole Journey) indicate that race, class and culture are essential parts of who we are as spiritual people.

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