• 1-909-274-0714
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California

Sunday Guest Preaching Request

Thank you for reaching out to schedule a representative from UUJMCA to visit your community/congregation to explore Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry, how it relates to our UU Principles, and what we can all do together to engage and practice our justice values in our congregations and communities. We are excited by opportunities to engage with congregations to explore UU Justice Ministry with you, and your community. We are committed to meeting your congregation where you are in your quest and practice of Justice Ministry, as it relates to UU as a whole, California, and you immediate community. 

What can we offer to you? It’s your choice to craft a program specific to your needs and bring more awareness about UUJMCA to your congregants? Do you want to know more about creating a Justice Ministry program in your community? Or, do you need to have a conversation about a specific justice concern? Let us know what would be most helpful to you.

Together, we can create a spiritually engaging, and thought provoking ministry experience, for your UU Home that will motivate and help you find ways for your congregants to not only take action relevant to California, but address concerns specific to the needs of your neighbors.

So, what is included in our offer?

  1. Creative Justice Centered Worship Service
  2. Dynamic and Inspiring Message
  3. Tabling during Social Hour
  4. Meeting/Discussion Group/Workshop after Worship Service
  5. and more …