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Support Syrian Refugees

The Immigrant Justice Team of UU Justice Ministry of California will begin to closely align with the work being carried out by CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) whose mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. We will also follow the lead of the UU Service Committee and their call to support Syrian Refugees. Download the UUSC talking points on the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

JOIN UUJM’s new “UU Network for Immigrant Justice.” Help us build a collective UU voice of compassion for refugees and our undocumented neighbors. Let’s work towards just and humane immigration reform. Sign up now!

  • Supporting CAIR in urging your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor House Resolution 569 which condemns “…violence, bigotry and hateful rhetoric targeting American Muslims…”
  • Working through local interfaith organizations, join actions they are sponsoring to support Mosque and/or Islamic centers near you.
  • Encouraging the governing body of your community to pass a resolution welcoming Syrian Refugees. A sample resolution can be found here.
  • Visiting asylum-seeking Muslim immigrants who are languishing in detention centers. As of December 1, more than 100 throughout the country went on a hunger strike demanding their release to continue working on their case rather than being incarcerated.

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