FIND A MARCH NEAR YOU! TAKE ACTION IN OTHER WAYS The first five months of U.S. gun violence in 2022, as of #June1st: •8,031 gun deaths•15,119 gun injuries•231 mass shootings•466 children shot•1,924 teenagers shot•469 incidents of defensive gun use•609 unintentional shootings~10,032 suicides [CDC estimate] source: Gun Violence Archive UUA’s Action Plan to Prevent Gun Violence:SHOW ME HOW The UUA and […]
Wear Orange 2022!
Participate with Alliance For Gun Responsibility & Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of CAas we participate in a show of support for prevention of gun violence.June 3-5th, 2022 The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California (UUJMCA) and the Alliance for Gun Responsibility (AGR) are participating in the “Wear Orange 2022” campaign from June 3-5 to speak outagainst gun violence and promote […]
“When is it enough?”
“On the evening of May 24th, after learning about the massacre that took place earlier that day at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, I sat down and wrote this song, ‘Watershed.’” – Matthew David Morris “Watershed” by Matthew David Morris How many kids must dieunder a blaze of firebefore we change our mindabout our sacred rights? Another 3 or […]

TAKE ACTION: Find a march near you!
March For Our Lives Mission Statement: Born out of a tragic school shooting, March For Our Lives is a courageous youth-led movement dedicated to promoting civic engagement, education, and direct action by youth to eliminate the epidemic of gun violence. We aim to create safe and healthy communities and livelihoods where gun violence is obsolete. The first four months of U.S. […]

TAKE ACTION: Sandy Hook Promise
Many of us feel helpless and hopeless today, wondering what we can do aside from “thoughts and prayers”. Here’s a start. Where are we going and what can we do? Watch this space to see additional action items that will be posted in coming days and weeks. The first four months of U.S. gun violence in 2022, as of May […]

Active Shooter Incident in Uvalde, Texas: THE DAY AFTER (May 25, 2022)
A mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas yesterday left over 20 people dead, mostly elementary school children 10-years old and younger. UUJMCA condemns this violence and supports all efforts to end these vile attacks. We saw the 2nd worst school shooting in history yesterday. Reactions from all over the country vary. Gun safety legislation is in discussion at several levels of […]

Active Shooter Incident in Uvalde, Texas
A mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas has left at least 15 people dead today. UUJMCA condemns this violence and supports all efforts to end these vile attacks. The first four months of U.S. gun violence in 2022, as of May 2nd: • 6,296 gun deaths • 11,653 gun injuries • 173 mass shootings • 325 children shot • 1,480 teenagers […]

Gun Violence – Key Facts
Gun Violence – Key Facts The first four months of U.S. gun violence in 2022, as of May 2nd: • 6,296 gun deaths • 11,653 gun injuries • 173 mass shootings • 325 children shot • 1,480 teenagers shot • 360 incidents of defensive gun use • 467 unintentional shootings~8,052 suicides [CDC estimate]Please note that the numbers may change due […]
To reduce gun violence, start at the local level The first four months of U.S. gun violence in 2022, as of May 2nd: • 6,296 gun deaths • 11,653 gun injuries • 173 mass shootings • 325 children shot • 1,480 teenagers shot • 360 incidents of defensive gun use • 467 unintentional shootings~8,052 suicides [CDC estimate]Please note that the […]
Geneva Presbyterian Church, Laguna Woods, CA
Authorities: Hate against Taiwanese led to church attack The UUA and UUJMCA stands in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community in condemning hate crime and gun violence. Our communities stand united against racism against Asian American Pacific Islander communities. Together, we can stop it. JOIN STOP APPI HATE! The first four months of U.S. gun violence in […]