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Saving Democracy: Get Out the Vote

Saving Democracy: Get Out the Vote

‘Saving Democracy: Get Out the Vote’
A Word from Pastor AJ
August 2024
We will be hosting: Turning the Tides Justice Summit over the weekend of August 9–11. We will start on Friday evening with a Care for Activists in Liberation Movements (CALM) with Antoinette Scully. This will be an inspiring “worship” service and discussion time for us to gather and prepare for the work ahead. On Saturday and Sunday with workshops hosted by UURISE, UUSCM, UUJME, EQUUAL Access, and conversations about how to engage our recently passed UUA General Assembly Action of Immediate Witness: “Solidarity with Palestine,” and much more … Register TODAY!

30 Days of How to get Involved in Immigrant Justice

Our US immigration system is broken and designed to rip apart immigrant families, denying individuals their basic human rights which include but are not limited to health care, employment, food, and housing. Therefore, during the month of April, we will be sharing ways to get involved with Immigration Justice, both at UUJMCA and with our partner organizations, as well as […]