Thirsty for Justice – Human Right to Water Film Released!
As many as 2 million Californians face significant challenges with water and sanitation. Water that is contaminated with nitrates, arsenic, lead, pesticides, and industrial chemicals. Water that is inaccessible or unaffordable. Water policies that are undemocratic and unsustainable.
As Unitarian Universalists, we are part of this story. For the past six years, UUs across the state have been deeply involved in supporting the Human Right to Water.
“Thirsty for Justice” visits people in some of these communities to hear their stories, and traces the years-long activism leading to the successful enactment in 2012 of the Human Right to Water Bill (AB685), writing into California law that safe, sufficient, accessible, affordable water for daily living is a fundamental right of every resident.
Please contact us using the form below if you’d like more information about showing this documentary to your social justice committee, congregation, or congregation and your community partners.
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