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Walk/Talk Your UU Values

Walk/Talk Your UU Values

SB54 (The California Values Act) would declare California public schools, hospitals, libraries and courthouses sanctuary places from immigration enforcement.

In the California Senate, amendments were made to the bill to meet the concerns of moderate legislators, and SB54 now allows local law enforcement agencies to notify ICE about individuals convicted of serious or violent felonies and to cooperate with ICE on task forces unrelated to deportations.

SB29 (The Dignity Not Detention Act) would:

  1. Stop local government from being complicit in the creation and renewal of certain contracts with for-profit immigration detention facilities.
  2. Make the currently unenforceable national immigration detention standards the law in California and provide additional protections for detained LGBTQ immigrants.
  3. Allow the state to enforce violations of these protections.

SB54 and SB29 are two bills awaiting a vote from California Assembly.

Please call your Assembly person today in support.  (Find your elected official here).

You are also urged to join Immigrant Justice leaders gathering in Sacramento on May 15, 2017 to lobby California elected officials on SB54, SB29, and other important immigrant justice bills.

The full 2017 Policy Agenda for this session can be found here.  Immigrant Lobby Day is an annual event sponsored by the California Immigrant Policy Center.

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