• 916-441-0018
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California
Day 17. Truth & Myths.

Day 17. Truth & Myths.

Immigration justice is racial justice. Use your vote to support humane and fair immigration policies for those who don’t have the right to vote. Silence is complicity with the oppressor we must act for those who are denied the power that comes with a single vote. We are not the first and will not be the last to face fascists, […]

Day 16. Let’s Proposition California.

Day 16. Let’s Proposition California.

Voting is a way to remain in solidarity with marginalized communities; The Student, The Imprisoned, The Unhoused, and The LGBTQ+ communities. Make your vote count to uplift those who are suffer without whole liberation. We are not the first and will not be the last to face fascists, antisemites, racists, homophobes, and misogynists hungry for power. What can we learn […]

Day 15. Welcoming the Stranger.

Day 15. Welcoming the Stranger.

Members of queer communities, specifically those who are gender diverse, deserve protection and respect. As people of faith we vote to ensure their rights are safeguarded and welcomed when they have been turned away from their families and communities. We are not the first and will not be the last to face fascists, antisemites, racists, homophobes, and misogynists hungry for […]

Day 14. Use Your Right to Vote to Ensure Human Rights.

Day 14. Use Your Right to Vote to Ensure Human Rights.

Reproductive justice intersects with economics and poverty. In November several states will be voting on Reproductive Rights for millions of our siblings and by extension denying many of liberation from poverty and economic justice. Vote for policies that support comprehensive healthcare that provides equity for all. We are not the first and will not be the last to face fascists, […]

Day 13. States & Territories, Separate & not Equal.

Day 13. States & Territories, Separate & not Equal.

Systemic racism requires systemic change that is not subtle or individualistic. Colonization has never ended. It is alive and thriving in US Territories where voting is millions are denied the right to vote, yet suffer under US rule. Ensure your vote is a step towards dismantling oppressive systems not only for yourself but also for those who denied a vote. […]

Day 12. Creating DREAMs & Fulfilling Promises.

Day 12. Creating DREAMs & Fulfilling Promises.

Immigration policy should be compassionate and just. Immigration Policy is complex because it creates complex systems that deny people their dreams to become whole participants in US society. We need to vote for leaders who value human dignity for all our neighbors, families, and siblings. We are not the first and will not be the last to face fascists, antisemites, […]

Day 11. Our Civil Liberties are not to be Denied.

Day 11. Our Civil Liberties are not to be Denied.

The US Constitution belongs to you and me! Don’t let the anyone be denied their access to their Rights guaranteed by the Constitution through voter suppression. Democracy flourishes when we all participate. Your vote can make a difference in creating an inclusive society. We are not the first and will not be the last to face fascists, antisemites, racists, homophobes, […]

Day 10. It’s time to Show Up for Human Rights.

Day 10. It’s time to Show Up for Human Rights.

LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. Voting is a powerful tool to ensure these rights are upheld. If you don’t know how or where to register The Human Rights has a Voting Center where you can register and/or confirm your voter registrations status. We are not the first and will not be the last to face fascists, antisemites, racists, homophobes, and […]

Invitation to Turning the Tides Justice Summit

Invitation to Turning the Tides Justice Summit

Schedule Friday Saturday Sunday Registration: We are thrilled to invite you to the “Turning the Tides Justice Summit,” hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California. This transformative event will take place via ZOOM over the weekend of August 9-11. We hope you will join us! About the Summit The “Turning the Tides Justice Summit” is a unique opportunity […]

Day 9. Our Bodies are Ours!

Day 9. Our Bodies are Ours!

Sometimes slow and steady doesn’t win the race! Act Now! Reproductive rights are essential for gender equality for all. It’s not only women that are being denied the right to control their bodies. Reproductive Rights are Rights that need to be guaranteed to all our siblings of all genders and gender identities. Vote to protect and expand these rights. We […]