• 916-441-0018
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California

30 Days of How to get Involved in Immigrant Justice

Our US immigration system is broken and designed to rip apart immigrant families, denying individuals their basic human rights which include but are not limited to health care, employment, food, and housing. Therefore, during the month of April, we will be sharing ways to get involved with Immigration Justice, both at UUJMCA and with our partner organizations, as well as […]

Financial Appeal for Justice

18 March 2024 Dear Justice Seekers! As I write this, we are living with concerns about flooding from record breaking rains, thousands of homeless in almost every community, increasing difficulty to access the cost of affordable housing even for those who are working full time, and a lack of tolerance for those suffering from such situations. Sometimes it can feel […]

Around San Diego

Around San Diego

Around San Diego Share whats happening in your neck of the woods with us by clicking here