• 916-441-0018
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California

Donate to the July2Fund

As part of our coalition work, UUs from across the country are coming to San Diego on July 2nd to take part in a powerful day of action. It is not a conference; it is not a gathering. It is a day of direct action at the call of Mijente, an amazing organization doing powerful work. UUJMCA is collaborating with […]

UUJMCA calls for the abolition of ICE

UUJMCA calls for the abolition of ICE

Today the UU Justice Ministry of California, through our Immigrant Justice Action Team, endorsed the abolition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also known as ICE. For some people the proposal to ‘abolish’ a part of our government seems a step too far. For others it is long overdue. I want to speak to those who consider the abolition of […]

Thank You!

Thank You!

We would like to thank those individuals and congregations who have made our work possible in 2017. Your generous support helped us raise over $20,000 during our 2017 end-of-year campaign! We would also like to thank the following organizations that contributed to UUJM’s work in 2017: Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Pacific Central District, […]

Get on the Bus for Healthcare!

Let’s move SB562! The movement for Medicare for All in California continues. Join UUJM members as part of the larger coalition in Sacramento on October 23rd and 24th to rally in support for SB 562 at the State Capitol during the Select Committee Hearing on Healthcare. Instead of moving SB 562 forward, Speaker Anthony Rendon has blocked the democratic process […]