• 916-441-0018
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California


You heard me – cat worship.  If you’re a UU youth – middle or high school – you’re invited to our first online youth worship of the year, and the theme this month is cats!   (This is UU youth worship in a space that is meant to be youth-led.  It’ll be fun.  It’ll be dynamic.  It’ll be engaging.  It […]

TAKE ACTION – August 5, 2022

Alliance for Gun Responsibility – Ban Assault RiflesResearch shows that a shooter armed with an assault rifle is able to hurt and kill TWICE the number of people as a shooter armed with a handgun or non-assault rifle. We banned assault rifles before and we can do it again. URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO PASS FEDERAL ASSAULT WEAPONS ACLU Southern California“For decades, […]

Follow Us

At UUJMCA, we are committed to accomplish our justice ministry through education, community organizing, and advocating for justice. Our justice initiatives are shaped by and rooted in your feedback. We are here to support you, our California UUs, in your journey toward justice in your local community. If you are interested in finding out how we can journey together in […]

Apology from UUJMCA

At UUJMCA, we do our best to be inclusive of all people but sometimes we miss the mark. Today, we recognize that this is the case. We have made several posts over the past few days since Friday’s Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade. In these posts we have named that we support women and women’s rights. This is […]

1969 – The Stonewall Inn

Gay bars in the 1960’s were accustomed to police to raids at gay bars, knowing that most of these raids would end with multiple arrest, including patrons and bar staff. Police would turn the lights on, line everyone up and check IDs. They arrested men who were dancing with each other and bartenders who were serving alcohol to gay people. […]