• 916-441-0018
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California

TAKE ACTION – August 5, 2022

Alliance for Gun Responsibility – Ban Assault RiflesResearch shows that a shooter armed with an assault rifle is able to hurt and kill TWICE the number of people as a shooter armed with a handgun or non-assault rifle. We banned assault rifles before and we can do it again. URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO PASS FEDERAL ASSAULT WEAPONS ACLU Southern California“For decades, […]

Follow Us

At UUJMCA, we are committed to accomplish our justice ministry through education, community organizing, and advocating for justice. Our justice initiatives are shaped by and rooted in your feedback. We are here to support you, our California UUs, in your journey toward justice in your local community. If you are interested in finding out how we can journey together in […]

The King Legacy

The King Legacy

“Certainly the church has a great responsibility because when the church is true to its nature, it stands as a moral guardian of the community and of society. It has always been the role of the church to broaden horizons, to challenge the status quo, and to question and break mores if necessary. I’m sure that we all agree that the church has a major role to play in this period of social change.” – Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr (May 1966)

Get Out & Protect the Vote

Get Out & Protect the Vote

Take Action Up To & After Election Day to UU the Vote! Tuesday, October 27 Actions PHONEBANK in Florida: Join the National UU the Vote team for a phonebank in partnership with the New Florida Majority at 3pm PT/6pm ET. Learn more and register here. PHONEBANK in California: Join the “Yes on 15!” Coalition to educate voters on Proposition 15 […]

2020 Ballot Recommendations

2020 Ballot Recommendations

*UPDATED OCTOBER 5, 2020* UUJMCA is excited to share our 2020 California Ballot Recommendations. After consultation with several local and statewide organizations & collectives, and deep reflection on how our values call on us to engage the proposed initiatives, we have put together this grid of recommendations, including our own, for you to be able to make an informed selection. […]