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Darden Restaurants Must Do Better

Darden Restaurants Must Do Better

The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California is proud to act as a partner to the Restaurant Opportunities Centers in working to win justice for restaurant workers in our state and across the nation.  Here is their latest report on what’s happening in the struggle for fair wages and decent working conditions at Darden Restaurants:

California Misses the Mark on Water Restrictions

We can all do more: we can conserve grey water for other uses, we can shorten our showers, we can install water saving nozzles and high-efficiency appliances. We need to do as much as we can as individuals, congregations and communities to reduce our unnecessary use of water. And industry can do more, too. The mandatory restrictions imposed are only […]

Let’s “Make it Fair”: Working for Economic Justice through Property Tax Reform

At the core of California’s broken tax system is Prop 13. This piece of legislation, passed in 1978, has created loopholes that only serve to exacerbate the wealth gap and punish our communities and our children. We are called as people of faith to take on these power dynamics. Please join UUJM in supporting the Make it Fair campaign. Click […]

Beloved Community: The How, What and Why of Our Work

Beloved Community: The How, What and Why of Our Work

Our work is rooted in Beloved Community. Dr. King popularized the concept which is based on the work of theologian-philosopher Josiah Royce. For Royce, the formation of beloved community was founded on loyalty, what he saw as the most universal interpretation of the Christian ideal of agapic love. As we mature and become more able to form loyalties, he proposed, […]

UU Congregations: Sign Up for Information on the UU Sanctuary Movement

UU Congregations: Sign Up for Information on the UU Sanctuary Movement

Please sign up to get more information regarding the New Sanctuary Movement and how your congregation can be a part of it. There will also be a workshop on the New Sanctuary Movement at Walking the Walk, November 14-16. Click here to sign-up for more information on the New Sanctuary Movement and get involved as a UU or UU congregation.

Fighting off the “News Blues”

Greetings from the UUJM Board of Trustees! It has been a long summer, my friends. The immigrant families and children held in detention, the injustice on the streets in Ferguson, the escalating global conflicts, the unfolding climate crisis. Watching the news becomes a spiritual challenge in such times. But the best antidote that I have ever found for despair is […]

Bay Delta Conservation Plan

There has been an on-going controversy surrounding the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP). Since December 13, 2013, this plan has been under-going public scrutiny; alongside Governor Jerry Brown, who endorses it. The plan claims that the “BDCP would secure California’s water supply by building new water delivery infrastructure and operating the system to improve the ecological health of the Delta”, […]

Farmworker Reality Tours

Human Agenda is a non-profit organization that reaches out to the Central California community, in an attempt to enlighten people about the injustices that migrant workers face on a daily basis. This organization is lead by Executive Director, Richard Hobbs; who is well known for his activism work, as well as his career as an immigration attorney; and Ann Lopez, […]

Agua Dulce – A study in LA County water

Hiker Heaven, or The Saufley’s is one of the most amazing, hospitable places a hiker could hope to come across.  Walking into Agua Dulce from Vasquez Rocks, with their unique geology and red tones set against an azure blue sky, it is hard to believe this is also LA County – the most densely populated county in the state. Upon […]

UU Trips to the Border

The UUJMCA Immigrant Justice Action Team is pleased to announce that the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California sponsors UU Border Trips. These trips run from Friday to Monday and give participants a grounded and real understanding of border issues in this day and age. Watch this space for the next trip, an opportunity to explore justice issues first-hand through […]