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TAKE ACTION – August 5, 2022

Alliance for Gun Responsibility – Ban Assault RiflesResearch shows that a shooter armed with an assault rifle is able to hurt and kill TWICE the number of people as a shooter armed with a handgun or non-assault rifle. We banned assault rifles before and we can do it again. URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO PASS FEDERAL ASSAULT WEAPONS ACLU Southern California“For decades, […]

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At UUJMCA, we are committed to accomplish our justice ministry through education, community organizing, and advocating for justice. Our justice initiatives are shaped by and rooted in your feedback. We are here to support you, our California UUs, in your journey toward justice in your local community. If you are interested in finding out how we can journey together in […]

A rally to demand assault weapons ban took place in Washington, D.C. today. (July 13, 2022)

Angry Uvalde parents, parade mass shooting survivors rally to demand assault weapons ban “A Highland Park, Illinois, woman who was at last week’s Fourth of July parade mass shooting with her husband and three children told the crowd about the questions her 6-year-old daughter has been asking her over the last week: ‘Mommy, can bullets get through my door? Can […]

New California Law Holds Gun Makers Liable:

“The Gun Industry Can No Longer Hide” SACRAMENTO, CA, July 12, 2022 – Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1594 today. The bill “establishes a “firearm industry standard of conduct” and allows local governments, the state Department of Justice and gun violence survivors to sue for egregious violations of state sales and marketing regulations.” from LA Times. “This bill is a […]