• 916-441-0018
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California

Donate to the July2Fund

As part of our coalition work, UUs from across the country are coming to San Diego on July 2nd to take part in a powerful day of action. It is not a conference; it is not a gathering. It is a day of direct action at the call of Mijente, an amazing organization doing powerful work. UUJMCA is collaborating with the UUA, UUSC, Side with Love Campaign, Black Lives of UU, UURISE and others to coordinate the Unitarian Universalist response…and it has been strong!

Donate Now by Clicking Here

To make this successful, we still need to raise funds to help our UU leaders, particularly those of color, to be able to get to San Diego. With this event planned less than two weeks out, we need your support now. Please consider a donation to offset the travel costs and logistics needs, the part of the work that UUJMCA is responsible for. We already have more requests for travel assistance than we have funds to match with. Any amount is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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