• 1-909-274-0714
  • admin@uujmca.org
  • Everywhere in California
Register for a 2020 UUBorders Journey

Register for a 2020 UUBorders Journey

Curious about what happens on a UUBorders Journey? Here’s a reflection from Rose Harris, a member of the Summit UU Fellowship in Santee, CA. My trip to the Tijuana border was both informative and inspiring. I had no idea what burden the people of Tijuana are bearing for those seeking asylum in the U.S. I was shown shelters that are […]

Farmworker Reality Tours

Human Agenda is a non-profit organization that reaches out to the Central California community, in an attempt to enlighten people about the injustices that migrant workers face on a daily basis. This organization is lead by Executive Director, Richard Hobbs; who is well known for his activism work, as well as his career as an immigration attorney; and Ann Lopez, […]

Detention Center Visitation Programs in Full Swing

Visit an Immigrant Detainee: End Isolation With the guidance of our partner, CIVIC, UUs are actively organizing and supporting interfaith detention visitation programs in San Diego, Orange County, Adelanto, Richmond, & Sacramento.  Email us to arrange for a presentation to your congregation or to call to a UU who can help you get started. Detention Center Visitation Resources: Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants […]

Immigrant Justice Resources

  UULMCA Immigrant Justice Guiding Principles 2013 Immigrant Justice Webinar Slides January 2013 Immigrant Justice Webinar Slides November 2012 Immigrant Justice Webinar Slides “Ground Hog Day” February 2013